Hero Healthcare prides itself on listening to its customers. Clinicians, Healthcare professionals, Veterinarians, amateur and professional athletes are both our customers and our inspiration. We have added anti-odour elements to products, non-slip technology, hand tearability, rapid opening pouches, colour coded sizing and customised prints, all at the request of our customers. We take input on packaging, functionality and design. Our products are truly ‘heroic’ in their protective nature. Our heroes are our customers.
We scour the Globe to find the best raw materials possible, we place quality of product at the very top of our list of priorities. We are headquartered in the UK and manufacture and distribute from the UK.
A From medical professionals to sports professionals and veterinarians, we have a wide range of customers that span Europe the US and the Middle East and Asia. Our Hero Fightcare range is used widely in professional and amateur boxing as well as with MMA fighters.
The name Hero came from a patient, in our early days a 6 year old girl had one of our products applied to retain and scute a would dressing. She claimed the retention bandage was her “superhero” as it protected her from harm and made her look pretty even though she was hurt. The name stuck from there! In our world both our products and our customers are heroic.
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