Bromley Healthcare at 2014 – 93 years old female

Case study was conducted at Bromley Healthcare at 2014. Mary, a 93 year old visually impaired, fully mobile and independent lady sustained a traumatic injury to the left anterior of her leg in April 2014. A previous similar injury took a year to heal due to multiple skin allergies to dressing and bandage products. Mary also experienced slippage and bulk of bandage issues which affected her mobility and consequently her quality of life. The wound size: 1.6x2cm with 100% sloughy tissue. It was determined that ABPI 0.92 would be suitable for compression. The patient expressed concerns due to previous bad experiences with multi-layer compression bandages and felt bulky bandages would impact on her mobility and safety in moving about. The new HERO H-2 bandage system was explained and she agreed to try with no promises she would concord with treatment

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