Suffolfk Community Healthcare

Test was conducted at Suffolfk Community Healthcare at March 2015. Leg Ulcer & Community Nursing teams from across the county were invited to participate. Teams were identified and introduced to the Hero H-2 system arranged together with application technique demonstration followed. Suitable patients were identified by these teams and the HERO H-2 kits were tested. The UCS Leg Ulcer module workshop was attended by Helen Hollinworth. Ten teams wanted to take part with 7 of these returning a total of 47 evaluation papers.

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North East Foundation Trust 2014 – 88 years old female

Case study was conducted at North East Foundation Trust 2014. Patient was a 88 year old female who presented to the Community Nursing Team following the development of an ulcer to her left leg. Mrs A had been previously been treated for lower limb oedema which was managed with compression hosiery.

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